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Justyna Dominika Kowalska, Pernille Ravn, Hanna Czeszko-Paprocka, Ewa Firląg-Burkacka, Andrzej Horban - "Single IFN-y assay testing is of limited use for health care workers occupational exposure screening in a high tuberculosis prevalence country."

R. B. Podlasin, A. Wiercińska-Drapalo, A Olczak, M. Beniowski, T. Smiatacz, E. Malolepsza, J. Juszczyk, M. Leszczyn-Pynka, T. Mach, M. Mian, B. Knysz, A. Horban - "Opportinistic Infrcions and Other AIDS-defining Illnesses in Poland in 2000-2002"

W. Halota, D. Delić, Z. Nesić, D. Prokopowicz, R. Flisiak, J. Kuydowicz, M. Jabłkowski, J. Cianciara, T. Mach, R. Modrzewska, M. Fabri, D. Tomić, A. Horban, W. Kryczka, J. Schneider, G. Pearce - "A novel PrimeBoost Immunotherapy induces high levels of HBeAg loss after 14 weeks in Patients with HBeAg + Chronic Hepatitis B: A Phase IIa Clinical Trial"

J. D. Kowalska, E. Firląg-Burkacka, M. Niezabitowska, E. Bąkowska, J. Gizińska, J. Higersbereger, A. Ignatowska, G. Karczewski, P. Pulik, P. Święcki, A. Horban - "Tolerability and adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection in different exposure groups"

M. Niezabitowska, E. Firląg-Burkacka, J. D. Kowalska, E. Bąkowska, J. Gizińska, J. Higersberger, A. Ignatowska, G. Karczewski, P. Pulik, P. Œwięcki, A. Horban - "Analysis of consultations and tests schedule for HIV infection after exposure to potentially infectious material (PIM) in different exposure groups"

H. Berak, A. Kołakowska-Rządzka, M. Wasilewski, J. Stańczak, A. Horban - "Randomized, open label trial to come efficacy and safety of pegylated Inrferon Alfa 2A v. Interferon Alfa 2b treatment of patient with chronic Hepatisis C - 12 weeks virological response among paties with with gentype non 2/3 analysis "

J. Stańczak, U. Komorowska, E Tobolewska, M. Majchrzak - "Współczesna diagnostyka zakażeń wirusem zapalenia wątroby typu C (HCV); Modern diagnostics of Hepatitis C Virus"

I. Szkop, H. Czeszko - Paprocka - "Walidacja metody pomiarowej"

S. Walmsley, A. Horban, R. Jain, C. Garris, T. Stark - "Fosamprenavir/ritonavir and Nelfinavir have Comparable Effects on Body Fat Changes in Antiretroviral-naive Patients: 48-Week Results from the SOLO Study"

AN. Phillips, B. Ledergerber, A. Horban, P. Reiss, A. Chiesi, O. Kirk, F. Mulcahy, M. Fisher, L. Machala, JD. Lundgren (for the EuroSIDA Study group) - " Rate of viral rebound in 539 patients with < 50 copies/mL on efavirenz-containing regimens, according to concomitant use of 3TC or ddI"

A. Mocroft, B. Ledergerber, JP. Viard, S. Staszewski, M. Murphy, A. Chiesi, A. Horban, AB. Hansen, AN. Phillips, JD. Lundgren (for the EuroSIDA study group) - " Time to Triple Drug Class Failure after Initiation of HAART"

A. Mocroft, B. Ledergerber, JP. Viard, S. Staszewski, M. Murphy, A. Chiesi, A. Horban, A-B. E. Hansen, AN. Phillips, JD. Lundgren (for the EuroSIDA study group) - "Time to triple drug class antiretroviral treatment failure after initiation of HAART: Results from the EuroSIDA study group"

S. Walmsley, A. Horban, R. Jain , C. Garris, T. Stark - " Fosamprenavir/ritonavir and Nelfinavir have Comparable Effects on Body Fat Changes in Antiretroviral-naive Patients: 48-Week Results from the SOLO Study"

H. Czeszko-Paprocka, C. Szczerbińska, M. Suwała, Z. Żuk, K. Roze - "Ocena analizatora chemii klinicznej Pentra 400 firmy Horiba ABX"

W. Banister, L. Ruiz, C. Loveday, S. Vella, K. Zilmer, D.Podlekareva, B. Knysz, A. Philips, J. Lundgren, A. Mocroft - "HIV1 Subtypes and Virological Response to HAART in Europe"

D.A.M.C. van de Vijver, A.M.J. Wensing, G. Angarano, B. Asjö, C. Balotta, E. Boeri, R. Camacho, M-L. Chaix, D. Costagliola, E.L.M. Op de Coul, A. de Luca, I. Maljkovic, C. de Mendoza, I. Derdelinckx, Z. Grossman, O. Hamouda, A. Hatzakis, I.M. Hoepelman, R. Hemmer, A. Horban, K. Korn, C. Kücherer, T. Leitner, C. Loveday, E. MacRae, L. Meyer, C. Nielsen, V. Ormaasen, L. Perrin, D. Paraskevis, E. Puchhammer-Stöckl, L. Ruiz, .M Salminen, J.C.C. Schmit, F. Schneider, R. Schuurman, V. Soriano, G. Stanczak, M. Stanojevic, A-M. Vandamme, K. Van Laethem, M. Violin, K. Wilbe, S. Yerly, M. Zazzi, C.A.B. Boucher (on behalf of the SPREAD Programme) - "Potential impact of differences in frequency of minor substitutions between HIV-1 subtypes on the genetic barrier for resistance to protease inhibitors"

RB Pollard, M Thompson, C Hicks, B Grinsztejn, A Horban, P Cernohous, J Omachi, M Norton, M King, S Brun - "Phase 3 comparison of lopinavir/ritonavir vs. investigator-selected protease inhibitors in single PI-experienced, NNRTI-naive patients: 48-week results of study M98-888"

H. Berak - "Efekty leczenia lamiwudyną przewlekłych wirusowych zapaleń wątroby typu B na podstawie materiału własnego"